Week of 14 March 2008

    Meeting with Wendy, re: new export from ArKives DB and EW issues.

  • Development of WordPress site

  • Have tried several plugins to try and create public/private division.
  • Would like to find task management plugin
  • Need to make comments more visible.

    Completed reading of WordPress manual

  • Generated questions for TUG mailing list:

    Started reading LaTeX guide and LaTeX guide Companion

  • Has given a better ground to evaluate what we would be getting into with this MarkUp language and some limitations.
    Also Reviewed ‘Memoir Manual’ which is a form of LaTeX markup

  • I think straight LaTeX seems to be what we would need;
  • and is better documented.
    Received reply from Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center.

  • They created a Digital Library Management System.
    First uploads to Zoho and Dabble Databases of new export from ArKives.

  • Dabble does not handle dates correctly, puts them all in the future. Would need to find a way in excel to change years to YYYY instead of YY.
  • Zoho does not import the 5,000 lines; crashes in both Safari and FireFox.
  • Will try and import Zoho in smaller chunks.
  • Sometimes for both apps, they are very unresponsive and that gets frustrating after a while.
  • Maybe the extra difficulty of running our own database will be warranted. Looking at Ruby and MySQL on Dreamhost. This would also open the door to having images and text files stored there. See Research page.
  • Eric — is it time we get in contact with the possible Ruby volunteer?
    Reviewed Eloquent Systems Knowledge Management linked by Wendy.

  • They have several products but they are geared toward either archive management (which we already have in place) or physical lending libraries (which doesn’t match us very well.) Great tools though for those things.
    Continued work on CT Report.

    Finished reading all CT background materials.

  • This generated a list of questions for Mark.
  • The documents taken as a whole leave both editorial and goal questions.

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